Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In the Beginning... Touched by an Angel (or 2)

In my first post, I revealed that my mother suffered from debilitating post-partum depression. As a result, she would not care for me. She allowed me to lay in my cradle untouched and uncared for. My aunt Yvonne shared this with me after my mother's death (my mother died at the age of 54 - my Aunt told me this a few years ago). She told me the story of how my beloved Grandmother would come over to my house when I was born on her lunch hours from work to care for me. She'd change me, feed me, and rock me. When my Grandmother was not available, my Aunt would pitch in. My Grandmother ended up to be my lifetime savior in many ways which you may hear about throughout my blog. But I think it all started the day I was born and it continues today as I believe she is with me in spirit always. My Aunt is still alive and I love her dearly, but I don't see her very often since she lives so far away. I still talk to her on the phone on the days that she remembers me. I did get a chance to see her recently though and I am very grateful. You see, my aunt now suffers from Alzheimer's, something my Grandmother suffered through at the end of her life too. I am sad that I have to witness both of my saviors going through this horrible affliction. I am sad too for my Uncle. Luckily, he is a wonderful person and takes exceptional care of my Aunt. Even now, they remain a very loving couple. And for that, I am also grateful.